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Doctoral training

 The doctoral Program’s Regulations of the doctoral school (ED) 509 define the school’s training program. It is supplemented by a professional integration training, which is partly shared within the framework of the College of Doctoral Studies

Doctoral students regularly registered in ED 509 are required to complete at least 90 hours of training during the first three years of the doctorate.

The doctoral training program is presented to doctoral students enrolled in the first year during the welcome day organized at each start of the academic year.

During their doctorate, doctoral students must take part in three teaching modules:

  • A specialized training module directly related to their specialty and involving scientists from various backgrounds
  • A cross-disciplinary training module allowing them to tackle issues such as intellectual property, the promotion of research, business-university relations… Training in research ethics and scientific integrity is compulsory for all doctoral students.
  • A professional training module allowing them to prepare their professional project and their future integration.

In this section:

List of Doctoral courses

Research ethics / Plagiarism

Additional missions


Bureau des Études Doctorales
Campus of La Garde
Building R1 -Bureau 102
Tél. : 04 94 14 25 06
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